❀ “All Flowers” Timeline: Smell the Rain of London

Ironically, the singer on one of the This Mortal Coil covers, “Song to the Siren,” was none other than the Cocteau Twins’ Elizabeth Fraser, with whom Jeff would later have a romantic relationship.





What do you love about “Twelfth of Never”?

(This is that first press interview, conducted on August 12)






May 2


May 29

It is claimed that Fraser spoke about her relationship with Buckley on Cocteau Twins 1995 EP Twinlights. In a 1996 interview with Alternative Press, she teased this notion and revealed that when she went on tour with Cocteau Twins in 1994, in support of their album Four-Calendar Café, she fell in love with a man. She wouldn’t name him, and this had led fans to believe him be Buckley. She admitted: “My love addiction was worse than ever. I was maniacal.” https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/cocteau-twins/1994/royal-festival-hall-london-england-3bd2e8a8.html

August 19

94-08-16	Wetlands
New York, New York, America	
94-08-22	'Mark Radcliff Show', Oxford Rd Studios, BBC
Manchester, England

Jeff Buckley performing The Way Young Lovers Do (Van Morrison), Kick Out The Jams (MC5), and reciting a poem of his called, New Years Eve Prayer. Recorded at Sin-é, in New York City, on 31 December 1994.


January 13

95-01-12	Columbia Records Radio Hour
New York, New York, America	
95-01-14	Tivoli
Dublin, Ireland	
95-01-15	Fleece and Firkin
Bristol, England	
95-01-16	Robert Elms Show, Greater London Radio
London, England	
95-01-16	?
London, England	
95-01-17	?
London, England	
95-01-18	The Astoria II
London, England




milk and kisses for the first man my old man love and a thousandfold rose for Buckley my Rilkean Hearted friend

(Milk & Kisses liner note dedication to Jeff)



I have no desire to make contact with all the thought of “no, no”. I shiver now, to think of how this answer asked her, no. Long time gone. I run to my hide out. (Thousand Fold)

Known Performance

97-05-?? Sketches For My Sweetheart The Drunk Demos, Memphis, Tennessee, America


I don’t know what happened there, but I knew later that they were lovers and saw that he went misty-eyed when he spoke about her. They’d been introduced when Cocteau Twins toured the US in 1991. In 1983, Liz and her fellow Cocteau Twin and partner, Robin Guthrie, had cut a cover of his dad’s beautiful, desolate “Song To The Siren” with This Mortal Coil, a version so arresting that Jeff would have no choice but to be attracted to it. She in turn had gone to check Jeff out, and remarked later that she had “sweated like a June bride” when she first heard him sing. She had separated from Guthrie by this time and was having an unhappy time in the band. “To meet Jeffrey was like being given a set of paints,” she said in a TV documentary. “I had all this color in my life again. I couldn’t help falling in love with him; he was adorable.” She noted that he had idolized her and she had fallen for the son of someone whose music she loved, and it felt a bit creepy. But they couldn’t help themselves. She also remarked that they had read each other’s diaries. I wonder now if he was writing about her then on that long drive.

“I just wish I'd been more of a friend,” she says, softly. “His career was everything to him, and I wish I had been more understanding – happy with a different kind of relationship. I missed out on something there, and it was my fault.”

Reference 1. Dream Brother: The Lives and Music of Jeff and Tim Buckley 2. Jeff Buckley: From Hallelujah to the Last Goodbye